Please email me for electronic copies of publications
Student authorship
Peer-Reviewed Publications, R Packages, and Theses
- McMahon, J., S.A. May, P.S. Rand, K.B. Gorman, M.V. McPhee, P.A.H. Westley. In revision, Oct 2024. Assortative dispersal and differences in fitness-associated traits between hatchery and wild pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Ecology and Evolution.
- Stadler, L., K. Gorman, V. von Biela, A. Seitz, K. Iken. 2024. Does the extent of glacial cover across watersheds and discharge periods affect dietary resource use of nearshore fishes in the Northern Gulf of Alaska? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 577:152022. Open access here:
- Hasan, E.L., K.B. Gorman, H.A. Colletti, B.H. Konar. 2024. Species distribution modeling of northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) in a data-limited ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution 14:e11118. Open access here:
- Porter, D.E., J.M. Morris, M. Trifari, M.J. Wooller, P.A.H. Westley, K.B. Gorman, T.A.Radenbaugh, and B.D. Barst. 2023. Acute toxicity of copper to three species of Pacific salmon juveniles in water with low hardness and low dissolved organic carbon. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 42(11):2440-2452. Open access here:
- Iken, K., C.D. Amsler, K.B. Gorman, A.G. Klein, A.W.E. Galloway, M.O. Amsler, S. Heiser, R. Whippo, A.T. Lowe, J.G. Schram, Z.X. Schneider, J.B. McClintock. 2023. Macroalgal input into the coastal food web along a gradient of seasonal sea ice cover along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Ecology Progress Series 718:1-22. Open access here:
- Schaefer, A.L., K.B. Gorman, and M.A. Bishop. 2022. Light-level geolocation reveals the short-distance non-breeding movements and distribution of tufted puffins throughout the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:999461. Open access here:
- Guo, C., B.H. Konar, K.B. Gorman, and C.M. Walker. 2022. Environmental factors important to high-latitude nearshore estuarine fish community structure. Deep-Sea Research II 201:105109. Open access here:
- Horst, A.M., A.P. Hill, and K.B. Gorman. 2022. Palmer Archipelago Penguins Data in the palmerpenguins R Package - An Alternative to Anderson’s Irises. The R Journal 14(1):244-254. Open access here:
- Gorman, K.B., K.E. Ruck, T.D. Williams and W.R. Fraser. 2021. Advancing the sea ice hypothesis: trophic interactions among breeding Pygoscelis penguins with divergent population trends throughout the western Antarctic Peninsula. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:526092. Open access here:
- Arimitsu, M.L., J.F. Piatt, S. Hatch, R.M. Suryan, S. Batten, M.A. Bishop, R.W. Campbell, H. Coletti, D. Cushing, K. Gorman, R.R. Hopcroft, K.J. Kuletz, C. Marsteller, C. McKinstry, D. McGowan, J. Moran, W.S. Pegau, A. Schaefer, S. Schoen, J. Straley, and V.R. von Biela. 2021. Heatwave-induced synchrony within forage fish portfolio disrupts energy flow to top pelagic predators. Global Change Biology 27:1859–1878. Open access here:
- Knudsen, E.E., P.S. Rand, K.B. Gorman, D.R. Bernard, and W.D. Templin. 2021. Hatchery-origin stray rates and total run characteristics for Pink Salmon and Chum Salmon returning to Prince William Sound, Alaska in 2013-2015. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 13:58-85. Open access here:
- Horst, A.M., A.P. Hill, and K.B. Gorman. 2020. palmerpenguins: Palmer Archipelago (Antarctica) penguin data. R package version 0.1.0. Open access here: Downloaded from CRAN over 200,000 times (Sept 2021)!
- Connors, B., M. Malick, G. T. Ruggerone, P. Rand, M. Adkison, J. R. Irvine, R. Campbell, and K. Gorman. 2020. Climate and competition shape sockeye salmon population dynamics across the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77: 943–949. Please note the subsequent correction to this article. Open access here:
- Gorman, K.B., T.C. Kline Jr., M.E. Roberts, F.F. Sewall, R.A. Heintz, and W.S. Pegau. 2018. Spatial and temporal variation in winter condition of juvenile Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) in Prince William Sound, Alaska: oceanographic exchange with the Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Research II 147:116-126. Open access here:
- Gorman, K.B., S.L. Talbot, S.A. Sonsthagen, G.K. Sage, M.C. Gravely, W.R. Fraser and T.D. Williams. 2017. Population genetic structure and gene flow of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding throughout the western Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science 29(6):499-510.
- Gorman, K.B. 2015. Integrative studies of Southern Ocean food webs and Pygoscelis penguin demography: mechanisms of population response to environmental change. Ph.D. Thesis. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. 337 pp.
- Gorman, K.B., T.D. Williams, and W.R. Fraser. 2014. Ecological sexual dimorphism and environmental variability within a community of Antarctic penguins (genus Pygoscelis). PLoS ONE 9(3):e90081. Open access here:
- Schofield, O., H. Ducklow, K. Bernard, S. Doney, D. Patterson-Fraser, K. Gorman, D. Martinson, M. Meredith, G. Saba, S. Stammerjohn, D. Steinberg, and W. Fraser. 2013. Penguin biogeography along the West Antarctic Peninsula: Testing the canyon hypothesis with Palmer LTER observations. Oceanography 26(3):78-80. Open access here:
- Crossin, G.T., P.N. Trathan, R.A. Phillips, K.B. Gorman, A. Dawson, K.Q. Sakamoto, and T.D. Williams. 2012. Corticosterone predicts foraging behavior and parental care in macaroni penguins. The American Naturalist 180(1):E31-E41. Open access here:
- Crossin, G.T., A. Dawson, R.A. Phillips, P.N. Trathan, K.B. Gorman, S. Adlard, and T.D. Williams. 2012. Seasonal patterns of prolactin and corticosterone secretion in an Antarctic seabird that moults during reproduction. General and Comparative Endocrinology 175(1):74-81.
- Bestelmeyer, B.T., A.M. Ellison, W.R. Fraser, K.B. Gorman, S.J. Holbrook, C.M. Laney, M.D. Ohman, D.P.C. Peters, F.C. Pillsbury, A. Rassweiler, R. Schmitt, and S. Sharma. 2011. Analysis of abrupt transitions in ecological systems. Ecosphere 2(12):art129. Open access here:
- Gorman, K.B., E.S. Erdmann, B.C. Pickering, P.J. Horne, J.R. Blum, H.M. Lucas, D.L. Patterson-Fraser, and W.R. Fraser. 2010. A new high latitude record for the macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus) at Avian Island, Antarctica. Polar Biology 33(8):1155-1158.
- Hipfner, J.M., K.B. Gorman, R.A. Vos, and J.B. Joy. 2010. Evolution of embryonic developmental period in the marine bird families Alcidae and Spheniscidae: roles for nutrition and predation? BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:179. Open access here:
- Badzinski, S.A., P.L. Flint, K.B. Gorman, and S.S. Petrie. 2009. Relationships between hepatic trace element concentrations, reproductive status, and body condition of female greater scaup. Environmental Pollution 157(6):1886-1893.
- Gorman, K.B., D. Esler, R.L. Walzem, and T.D. Williams. 2009. Plasma yolk precursor dynamics during egg production by female Greater Scaup (Aythya marila): characterization and indices of reproductive state. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 82(4):372-381.
- Gorman, K.B., D. Esler, P.L. Flint, and T.D. Williams. 2008. Nutrient reserve dynamics during egg production by female Greater Scaup (Aythya marila): relationships with timing of reproduction. Auk 125(2):384-394.
- Gorman, K.B., P.L. Flint, D. Esler, and T.D. Williams. 2007. Ovarian follicle dynamics of female Greater Scaup during egg production. Journal of Field Ornithology 78(1):64-73.
- Gorman, K.B. and T.D. Williams. 2005. Correlated evolution of maternally derived yolk testosterone and early developmental traits in passerine birds. Biology Letters 1(4):461-464.
- Gorman, K.B. 2005. Reproductive energetics of female Greater Scaup (Aythya marila): nutritional and physiological correlates of timing and state of reproduction. M.Sc. Thesis. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. 115 pp.
Data Products
Gorman, K. 2023. Studies of reproductive maturity among age cohorts of Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii) in Prince William Sound, Alaska, 2017-2019, EVOS Herring Program.
Schaefer, A.L., K.B. Gorman, and M.A. Bishop. 2022. Light-level geolocation reveals the short-distance non-breeding movements and distribution of tufted puffins throughout the Northeast Pacific Ocean. GitHub,
Gorman, K.B., K.E. Ruck, T.D. Williams and W.R. Fraser. 2021. Advancing the sea ice hypothesis: trophic interactions among breeding Pygoscelis penguins with divergent population trends throughout the western Antarctic Peninsula. GitHub, Environmental Data Initiative Data Portal, Package IDs: knb-lter-pal.223.1, knb-lter-pal.224.1, knb-lter-pal.225.1, knb-lter-pal.226.1, knb-lter-pal.227.1.
Knudsen, E.E., P.S. Rand, K.B. Gorman, D.R. Bernard, and W.D. Templin. 2020. Hatchery-origin stray rates and total run characteristics for Pink Salmon and Chum Salmon returning to Prince William Sound, Alaska in 2013-2015. Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity, doi:10.5063/F1QV3JXF.
Gorman, K.B., T.C. Kline Jr., and W.S. Pegau. 2017. Juvenile Pacific herring datasets (2 total) contributed to Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Herring Research and Monitoring Program’s data portal.
Gorman, K.B. 2007-2011. Penguin datasets (9 total) contributed to Palmer LTER data portal.
Gorman, K.B., S.L. Talbot, S.A. Sonsthagen, G.K. Sage, M.C. Gravely, W.R. Fraser and T.D. Williams. 2017. Population genetic structure and gene flow of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding throughout the western Antarctic Peninsula. Environmental Data Initiative Data Portal, Package ID: knb-lter-pal.239.2.
Gorman, K.B., T.D. Williams, and W.R. Fraser. 2014. Ecological sexual dimorphism and environmental variability within a community of Antarctic penguins (genus Pygoscelis). Environmental Data Initiative Data Portal, Package ID: knb-lter-pal.219.5, knb-lter-pal.220.7, knb-lter-pal.221.8.
Major Grant Reports (since 2015)
Rand, P.S. and K.B. Gorman. 2024. Evaluating factors related to in river adult mortality in Copper River sockeye salmon. Alaska Sustainable Salmon Initiative Final Report. 22 pp.
K.B. Gorman, M.K. Nims, T.L. Sformo, and P.S. Rand. 2024. Are expanding Pacific salmon populations in the Arctic produced from regional watersheds? Coastal Marine Institute/BOEM Final Report. 47 pp.
K.B. Gorman. 2023. Studies of reproductive maturity among age cohorts of Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii) in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Prince William Sound Science Center Final Report 2023 to Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council. 54 pp.
Rand, P.S. and K.B. Gorman. 2022. Implications of a declining trend in body size and condition on abundance of Sockeye Salmon in the Copper River, Alaska. North Pacific Research Board Project 1902 Final Report. 52 pp.
Gorman, K.B., A.L. Schaefer, and M.A. Bishop. 2022. Resolving the annual pelagic distribution of tufted puffins: associations with oceanographic features and isotopic niche. North Pacific Research Board Project 1812 Final Report. 59 pp.
Heintz, R.A., K.B., Gorman, T.C. Kline, F.F. Sewall, M.E. Roberts, and W.S. Pegau. 2020. A High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Study to Validate the Juvenile Herring Condition Monitoring Project Final Report - Herring Condition Monitoring. Prince William Sound Science Center Final Report 2020 to Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council. 46 pp.
Pegau, W.S., D.R. Aderhold, M.A. Bishop, J. Bernard, T. Branch, K. Gorman, M. Groner, S. Haught, P. Hershberger, D. McGowan, P. Rand, M. Scheuerell, and J. Trochta. 2019. Herring Research and Monitoring Science Synthesis. Herring Research and Monitoring Program Report to Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council.
Arimitsu, M., J. Piatt, R. Suryan, S. Batten, M.A. Bishop, H. Coletti, D. Cushing, K. Gorman, S. Hatch, S. Haught, R.R. Hopcroft, K.J. Kuletz, C. Marsteller, D. McGowan, J. Moran, S. Pegau, A. Schaefer, S. Schoen, J. Straley, and V.R. von Biela. 2019. Synchronous Collapse of Forage Fish Populations Disrupt Energy Transfer in Pelagic Food Webs during a Prolonged Marine Heatwave. Gulf Watch Alaska Synthesis Report to Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council.
Gorman, K.B., P. Rand, and E. Knudsen. 2018. Comparative Performance in Migration and Reproduction among Wild and Hatchery Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in Prince William Sound, Alaska using Stable Isotope Analysis. Prince William Sound Science Center Final Report 2018 to National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, project ID 50109.
Gorman, K.B., J. McMahon, P. Rand, E. Knudsen, and D. Bernard. 2018. Interactions of Wild and Hatchery Pink Salmon in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Prince William Sound Science Center Final Report 2017 to Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Contract CT160001756.
Gorman, K.B., J. McMahon, P. Rand, E. Knudsen, and D. Bernard. 2017. Interactions of Wild and Hatchery Pink Salmon in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Prince William Sound Science Center Final Report 2016 to Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Contract CT160001756.
Gorman, K.B., T.C. Kline, M.E. Roberts, F.F. Sewall, R.A. Heintz, and W.S. Pegau. 2017. Long-Term Herring Research and Monitoring Program Final Report - Herring Condition Monitoring. Prince William Sound Science Center Final Report 2017 to Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, Project 16120111-L.
Knudsen, E., P. Rand, K. Gorman, J. McMahon, B. Adams, V. O’Connell, and D. Bernard. 2016. Interactions of Wild and Hatchery Pink Salmon and Chum Salmon in Prince William Sound and Southeast, Alaska. Prince William Sound Science Center Final Report 2015 to Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Contract IHP-13-013.
Knudsen, E., M. Buckhorn, K. Gorman, P. Rand, M. Roberts, B. Adams, V. O’Connell, and D. Bernard. 2015. Interactions of Wild and Hatchery Pink Salmon and Chum Salmon in Prince William Sound and Southeast, Alaska. Prince William Sound Science Center Final Report 2014 to Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Contract IHP-13-013.
Knudsen, E., M. Buckhorn, K. Gorman, D. Crowther, K. Froning, M. Roberts, L. Marcello, B. Adams, V. O’Connell, and D. Bernard. 2015. Interactions of Wild and Hatchery Pink Salmon and Chum Salmon in Prince William Sound and Southeast, Alaska. Prince William Sound Science Center Final Report 2013 to Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Contract IHP-13-013.
Updated 1 Oct 2024